🍎 Sheffield apple (of my eye) Cider Vinegar 2021
Commissioner: Internal Project
Location: Sheffield
Team: Matt, Nicole, Lucy, Tara, Ross, Hannah
Crushing fruits to make sodas
How many apples does it take to make vinegar! We worked with a heavy glut in 2021. To develop what would become our first accessible fermented product. Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful ingredient with benefits. (You can hear about some of them through our promotional ads)!
Social Pickle's vinegar was sold throughout Sheffield through partnership shops and via our online page.
Our pickle photo board was out for the fans
PWYC. See library for more details.
Pickle team. Lucy, Nicole, Ross & Hannah.
Some produce on the market stall.
Nicole on the microscope.
A trio of happy participants! :D
The sodas were screwed up and given their fermentation starter of ginger bug (see library for recipes). Left to do their magic over a few days.
Apple Cider Adverts. Made by our very own Pickles
The last piece in the activity is to name and label the drinks!
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Social Pickle is collective fermentation project. Working around access, health, care and waste.
E-mail [info@socialpickle.co.uk]
Designed and built by Ross Bennett
website created with Laytheme