🥬 Glut Clubs 2020-2023
Commissioner: Self organised
Location: Foodhall,
Got Lots Unripe Tomatoes!?
Glut Clubs were our regular surplus processing sessions. Whilst foodhall had their Brown Street site we would be creating alot of products seasonally with extra produce the kitchen couldn't use or specific ingredients we had foraged or worked with farms to use.
The club aimed to distribute the products amongst the volunteers that came and then also through markets where we could engage with the public and operate a Pay what you can economic model.
Matt on our first Market in Sheffield on the Moor.
We made everything from vinegars to marmlades and welcomed upwards of 50 volunteers. With many regulars who began to take on responsibilities and bring their own ideas for the transformed fruits and veggies.
The positive impact of working in this way was multi-faceted utilising a cities otherwise waste produce. Connecting with local farms, and growers to help them reduce pre farm-gate waste and then a strong social bond through the working together of volunteers.
Links to radio shows?
Boiling pan of tomatoes.
Marmalade eyes
add more, and external links here
Wanted to say THANKYOU!!!!! So so much for a fab inspirational evening, last Tuesday at Glut Club!
It was amazing and has kept me buzzing since!
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Social Pickle is collective fermentation project. Working around access, health, care and waste.
E-mail [info@socialpickle.co.uk]
Designed and built by Ross Bennett
website created with Laytheme