A founding principle for Social Pickle was the pay-what-you-can model. As we operated from a community foodhall the language and coversations around affordability and person centred pricing happened alot.
These notes came from friend and collaborator Sean Roy Parker who at the time was heading up Brixton Pound Cafe. A radical food space just out of the centre. Making amazing grub in a curated environment for everyone!
Biggest lesson to come out of this, is to have the conversations. It's becoming less and less a part of our culture to challenge prices, and costs. Bartering has largely dissapeared from central markets with the transfer to a digital currency. But also exchanges in general with shop keepers and market traders are also becoming homogenised and less.
Social Pickle is collective fermentation project. Working around access, health, care and waste.
E-mail [info@socialpickle.co.uk]
Designed and built by Ross Bennett
website created with Laytheme